Hi, I'm a software developer.
This site is currently a work in progress. Whilst I tidy this place up, you can check out some of my projects or get in touch if you want to collaborate.



A proof-of-concept webshop where users can browse geometric shapes in a 3D environment. Built in Typescript using React and Three.js.



My linux dotfiles. This repo is in a permanent state of change and experimentation. The files can be installed and updated using git and GNU stow. They should work on any arch based distribution.



Snake in your terminal! Written in C++ with the ncurses library.

arduino plant monitor

arduino plant monitor

Plant monitoring system featuring an arduino uno equipped with sensors. Data is stored in a postgre-sql db and presented with a JavaFX application. Users can log in and save multiple arduinos for monitoring. The system was a collaborative project between four students at Malmö University.

Get in touch:

github - linkedin